How to use our Magic Remover

  • The process is super quick and easy!
    • Magic Remover is designed to dissolve away your wraps and gels without damage.
  • Buff the surface of your nail
    • Simply throughly buff the surface of your nail to remove the shiny coat and allow the Magic Remover to penetrate.
  • Paint on the Magic Remover
    • Paint on one generous coat of Magic Remover and leave on for 5-6 minutes. Within a minute or two you will start to see the magic happen and your polish will start to bubble up.
  • Scrape… and you’re done!
    • Scrape off your polish with a cuticle stick or pusher – job done!
  • Layered polish
    • If you have several layers of nail polish / top coat you may need to repeat the process.
  • Finally…
    • Don’t be tempted to peel off your nail wraps or gels. This will cause nail damage. Make sure that your wraps or gels are fully dissolved before removing.